Wednesday 28 November 2007

Weight Loss Mistake #4: People Give Up Too Soon

Many people who are trying to lose weight give up after the first week. The reason that they do this is because they feel that they did not see enough results for all of the work that they put in. It is important to remember that you are not going
to see instant results, but after a couple of months working towards your goals you will realize that you are indeed starting to lose weight.

The way that most people try to lose weight is as follows. For the first two weeks they give everything they have to losing weight. This includes eating less and going to the gym more. They think that if they go strong for two weeks that by the time it is up they will be able to see big results. But after two weeks these people jump on the scale just to find out that they only lost a pound or two.

They then take off their shirt and realize that there is no sick pack and that their arms are as flabby as they were before they started. And at this point the same thing always happens. These people end up talking themselves into the fact that
nothing will ever work for them. Some people are a little bit more resilient and change diets or exercise programs. This can be easily avoidable if you know what you are doing.

The first thing that you need to do is get in the right mind set. If you tell yourself from the start that you are not going to lose weight quickly, then you will be more apt to give yourself a longer amount of time to see results. In other
words, if you don't expect instant results, you will not be disappointed when you do not get them. Along the same lines, do not set short term goals that are completely impossible to reach.

Many people set goals such as losing five to ten pounds a week. They do not realize how difficult that can be, not to mention unhealthy. Instead, set goals that are attainable such as losing five or ten pounds over the course of a few months. This
will allow you to feel good about yourself and gain some self confidence when you finally reach what you have been striving for. Being in the right mind set may not seem important, but it can go a long way in helping you stay on track.

If you come to the conclusion early on that you are going to have to put in some time to reach your goals, you will have a much better chance of being successful. If you don't give up early on, you will get what you want in the end.

The a pound a day team will help you keep going.

Hannes Johnson